Friday, August 20, 2010

Six Flags New England

We spent the day at Six Flags - they have a water park attached to the theme park which we did pop into, Katie wasn't really into it so we didn't spend too much time there - I will post some photo
They had Thomas Town right at the start. She knows Thomas but never really got into it. We went there and had fun.

Took a ride on Thomas.
Flew on Harold
Then off to Wiggles World. We have one at our Six Flags but thankfully all the rides were different. This one is like the buccaneer but the ship also rotates 360 degrees - fun. there is a video below.
It was hot there also she cooled off at Henry the Octopus.
Wild Spaghetti Rodeo wagons.
Dorothy the Dinosaur Tea cups ( which thankfully I was too big to go on with her - those things flip my stomach around )

Then off to Looney Tune Land. They had a small roller coaster which she liked but knocked me all over the place. We "drove" the jeeps with the Taz
Up into space with Martin the Martian
Beautiful end to a great day
Oh, they had a game booth for kids. Anyone under 54'' would play until they won. Sounds good right? Well they had to throw darts at balloons and pop them ( very difficult for Katie ). After about the tenth toss she was able to hit the counter top that the balloons were on. The attendant was very patient with her. I think she lost two darts in the bins of stuffed animals. After about a dozen attempts she was able to hit one or two balloons , but unfortunately with no amount of strength so the darts promptly bounced off the balloons. The attendant was willing to let her keep trying and Katie also wanted to but after the dart hit the poor lady in the foot I called it quits. Katie walked away with 4 small stuffed frogs ( just what she needs - more stuffed animals)
I would like to think she had a wonderful time. Here she is passed out in the car. I was hoping she would of made in to the hotel ( which was 7 miles away ) before passing out. But no - so I had to carry her and her frogs upstairs to our room.

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