Friday, August 20, 2010

Mini Vacation

Katie and I took a small road trip this week. I had Tuesday and Wednesday off so I decided to take full advantage of it. We drove up to Springfield Massachusetts right after work Monday night. Katie was great in the car - entertained me for a while then fell asleep. i had to wake her when we arrived at the hotel but promptly fell back to sleep once settled in - luck me.
She decided to wake up at 5:30 am though - not soo lucky me. She really liked the idea of eating in bed and watching t.v. ( which gave me another 1/2 hour to wake up )
The hotel we stayed at had an indoor pool that opened at 7 am, which is good for young children who wake up before the rest of the world does. This is us at the pool at 7 am. She had a blast swimming around, and I was able to enjoy the hot tub.
While in Springfield we visited Six Flags New England ( since we have season passes admissions was free - main reason for this crazy short road trip ) and we also visited the Springfield Science Museum and Dr Seuss Garden ( fyi - Theodor Seuss Geisel the author of the Dr Seuss books was born in Springfield MA)
All in all a great trip and not too tiring - am thinking about more short trips with her. It's nice to have days off during the week to travel, which I will only be able to do for one more year until she starts school.

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