Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Big Boat

Well we took our first "real"vacation with Katie this past week. All our previous "vacations" have been to relatives houses. This one was a Disney cruise - 4 nights. It was a learn experience for Bill and myself. All in all a good trip though. Here are just a few of the 260 pics I took. I will go through them a little better and post some more.
I was a little nervous taking Katie on the plane but she did great.
Here we are on line waiting to see the Princesses. She was very excited.
She ran up to Snow White and gave her a big hug. We bought her an autograph book which all the character had signed - which was a good thing because she only took pictures with a few of them.
She posed with Snow White and Princess Aurora, but froze for Bella and Cinderella.
Monday night they celebrated Halloween. There was trick or treating throughout the ship then a big parade on deck afterwards. We brought her Halloween costume but she wouldn't wear it.
Silly girl.
I think she could of spent the whole trip in the pool. It did get busy a few times but nothing too bad. They had this little pool for the younger kids then a 4 foot pool for the older kids and a private pool just for the adults ( never made it to that one ).
Katie's first live show. Toy Store. She loved it.
We didn't get off the boat in Nassau, but did get off at Cast Away Cays - very nice. We only spent a few hours there - then Katie wanted to go back on the ship. I think the water was a little too salty for her. It was pretty hot also.

I will try to post more pics soon. Overall we did enjoy the trip. I think it might have been a little too much for Katie. We would like to try it again in a few years. Maybe then Bill and I can enjoy it more also.

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