Friday, May 29, 2009

Water park

Wednesday I surprised Katie by taking her to the new indoor water park - Sahara Sam's. Nana joined us and it was a fun filled day of slides, swimming and surfing.

They had a lazy river which we coasted down a few times. Katie didn't mind going under the waterfalls and getting wet.

There was a small separate kiddie area. She had a lot of fun on that slide.

Nana came also - we all had a lot of fun.

There wasn't a designated swim area. She swam in the basket ball area - which wasn't too crowded - I think she could of stayed there all day.
She wanted to go down the big tube slide - she did!
Wasn't scared at all - I wish I could of went with her but I wasn't allowed. They did have a ton of life guards and personal at every ride which was good.
She must of went on this slide a dozen times. I wonder if Bill can build one in the backyard.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Katie didn't want to go to the parade memorial day so we decided to go boating. There is a little lake by us that rents row boats - why not.
Unfortunately when we got there all the boats were out. We waited around for almost an hour. Katie got a little bored. She started posing for the camera.
Went for a little walk

Then she took the camera and took some pictures. I am very surprised how well they came out.

She did a great job centering us in the pictures.

A little more posing - too cute

They buckle up and off we go. She was very good on the boat. I let her stick her hands in the water and splash around ( Nana had a death grip on her life jacket )
She even rowed a little bit - went in a big circle.

Monday, May 25, 2009

The beach

Nana came up for a few days to help us out while we are doing construction on my new hospital. She took Katie to the beach the other day. It was a beautiful morning but got cold quickly. Katie loves playing in the water and the sand.

What a great action shot.

They built a big sand castle too. I love being this close to the water.


The other night our friends came over with their two kids - Ella and Baby Grace. Katie loves them ( she is always asking to go over Ella's house). We had a quiet BBQ and the kids played.

Katie normally doesn't play dress-up but, her and Ella had a grand old time with it.

Afterwards a quick dip in the tub. I asked them if they wanted to take a bath together and they couldn't get there clothes off fast enough.


Katie is showing off her garden. We actually have some stuff growing. Peas and string beans - hopefully she'll eat them when they are ready

We also planted watermelon, sunflowers,lettuce and corn - they aren't doing so hot.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Back to the purple park. What a gorgeous day. She ran around a while on the play set.

We tried flying the kite for a little bit - she wasn't too interested in it.

And then off to the swings - she loves the swings

And to finish it off Mom got suckered into the ice cream truck plea. Sponge Bob - two licks and she was done.


It's been nice enough out (and the rain has temporarily stopped) to play in the back yard. Here Katie is playing in her playhouse. She is dropping "helicopters" from the window.

Our neighbors daughter - Bridget - came over to play also. They have quickly become friends.