Friday, January 23, 2009


Well, I have been blogging for about 6 months now and am rather proud of myself for sticking with it. Although I have seemed to fall into the trap that I can only post when I have pictures. And as much as everyone loves seeing pictures of my beautiful daughter, I am now making a conscience attempt to post stories about her as well.
I don't think I will ever be truly able to catch her full essence with my simple words but I will try. My husband and I go to bed every night just talking about the amazing things she has done that day - whether its a simple phrase, a funny look or expression, or just her trying to interpret the world around her. She is an incredible and amazing little person.
I am not sure how it started but she calls my husband and myself "guys" when she is playing with both of us ( although last night at 3 am when her diaper leaked she did scream for "Mom and Dad"). Many a night we will play on our bed and she will organize some sort of adventure for us "guys to go on". Last night it was simple. We stayed on the bed while she ran into the other room and would return with a few pony tails. She would then run out of the room to fetch more only stopping to look at Bill and myself to tell us "Don't touch those guys". Well after her third trip I had no choice but to touch them. I took a handful and hid them behind my back. She came running in with a few more and just stopped in her tracks. Her expression was dumbfounded - she then realized the we had taken them and promptly placed her hands on her hips and said "GUYS". I could not help but to break out in laughter.
If I could video tape her every moment I would ( well there are some moments I can do with out). I am afraid as time goes by and she grows that I will forget the little things that make this time with her so precious. Like the fact that she wanted 2 houses for xmas - 2 real big houses! Or that when I told her the color of my necklace was gold and she said "no its not cold". Or even the way she says "No thanks" when you ask her a question.
Well I will try to post more of her silly behaviors here so I can save them for the future and maybe you can enjoy them in the present.

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