Friday, January 30, 2009


Well we finally got enough snow to play in - unfortunately it started raining too. So we bundled up at 7 am and hit the front yard before it all disappeared.
She put on her snow pants, her boots, her hat and coat and her gloves - she meant business. She loves walking in the snow - hearing it crunch under her feet.
The snow was very wet but we did attempt a snowman. It was small but a good first snowman for Katie.

It rained hard the rest of the day and the next morning there wasn't much left of the little guy. Hopefully we will have at least one more good snow to build a big snowman and go sledding.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

I am a people

Katie was having fun in her bath last night. I usually start her off and wash her all up and then she calls for Daddy. Last night she was "swimming" for a while. I was folding laundry in the other room and shouted to Bill - is she a prune yet? He turned to Katie and asked her if she was a prune - her response - "No I am a people."
Too cute!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Two times

We were eating dinner tonight - Bill, myself and Katie - and talking about her day at school. Today the lizard man came - he showed them lizards, turtles, frogs and snakes. She commented that she touched the frog on his head and his belly. I said "so you touched him twice" she said " no mommy - two times".

We were playing on the bed again the other night. I would tickle her and she would ask for daddy to "save her". We would take turns tickling and saving. This was a common game that we would play. Well, last night Bill was "saving" her when I decided to hold onto her feet as he pulled her arms away. So now I had her feet and Bill her arms and she was stretched out and yells - "do not pull me apart". Of course Bill and I were laughing so hard we both let go of her. The things she thinks of.


Well we took Katie bowling the other day. Every time we drove past the bowling alley she said she wanted to go there - so we went. She actually did very well - gotta love those lane bumpers.
You can't believe how slow a bowling ball can roll and still take out pins.
She looked so cute in her bowling shoes
A born natural

Friday, January 23, 2009


Well, I have been blogging for about 6 months now and am rather proud of myself for sticking with it. Although I have seemed to fall into the trap that I can only post when I have pictures. And as much as everyone loves seeing pictures of my beautiful daughter, I am now making a conscience attempt to post stories about her as well.
I don't think I will ever be truly able to catch her full essence with my simple words but I will try. My husband and I go to bed every night just talking about the amazing things she has done that day - whether its a simple phrase, a funny look or expression, or just her trying to interpret the world around her. She is an incredible and amazing little person.
I am not sure how it started but she calls my husband and myself "guys" when she is playing with both of us ( although last night at 3 am when her diaper leaked she did scream for "Mom and Dad"). Many a night we will play on our bed and she will organize some sort of adventure for us "guys to go on". Last night it was simple. We stayed on the bed while she ran into the other room and would return with a few pony tails. She would then run out of the room to fetch more only stopping to look at Bill and myself to tell us "Don't touch those guys". Well after her third trip I had no choice but to touch them. I took a handful and hid them behind my back. She came running in with a few more and just stopped in her tracks. Her expression was dumbfounded - she then realized the we had taken them and promptly placed her hands on her hips and said "GUYS". I could not help but to break out in laughter.
If I could video tape her every moment I would ( well there are some moments I can do with out). I am afraid as time goes by and she grows that I will forget the little things that make this time with her so precious. Like the fact that she wanted 2 houses for xmas - 2 real big houses! Or that when I told her the color of my necklace was gold and she said "no its not cold". Or even the way she says "No thanks" when you ask her a question.
Well I will try to post more of her silly behaviors here so I can save them for the future and maybe you can enjoy them in the present.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Daddy time

Bill has been working on a model airplane with Katie. She has been very patient and watches him very closely. Its a small plane which when finished will be powered by a rubber band. I think Bill is hoping that as she grows so will her enthusiasm for flying. He will be a great teacher.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Bedtime stories

Well , every night I read to Katie before bedtime. The books may change but we always read something - and then finish it with a reading of Bless Me. Last night Katie decided to change things up a little and she was going to read to me. She wanted me to sit on her lap but I told her it would be better if I didn't. She read me some of her Clifford books ( which she knows by heart). She was kind enough to read with the book facing me so I could see the pictures - what a sweet kid.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Katie got a bathrobe for Christmas. She loved the fact that it ties in front and has pockets.

Another "quiet" after bath time before bed time ruined. As you can also see we haven't won the battle with the pacifier either ( to be honest we haven't tried to hard either - but that day is coming soon).
Love the hands in the pockets.

Big Shirts

We had some fun after bath time the other night. Katie didn't want to put on her pajamas, but she was willing to put on Mom and Dad's clothes. So much for quiet time. She is just too much fun - it's hard not to want to play with her all night long.

Crafts and Cookies

Katie and I went shopping for some crafty things. We ran out for construction paper and didn't have any popsicle sticks in the house - so off to Walmart. They have a nice little craft section there - its also where we got the puppets from. I keep thinking about getting some fabric and sewing - but its very unlikely that it will happen.
TONGUE IN KATIE - it seems Bill and I say this A LOT

After glues our sticks and making a "bunny" we decided to make some cookies. Katie is getting a little better at helping to cook/bake. She has the helping to eat part down just fine :)


There were a few cold days that we decide to stay in and play. Nana bought Katie some hand puppets to make and play with. She was very excited.
Its OK Nana - its just a hand puppet
Katie concentrated very hard. She had to pull the back off the felt - sometimes this was a difficult task.

The monkey before - there actually were quite a few pieces.The monkey after - well done Katie.

Happy Birthday Timothy

While we were out on Long Island we had a little birthday party for Timothy. He was turning 7 - where does the time go.

It really is a pleasure to see the kids all together having fun.

Christmas on Long Island

We drove out to Long Island the Saturday after Christmas to celebrate with my family. Katie enjoyed playing with her cousins and opening more presents. Its always nice to see family.
Katie loves her "heels" She prances all around the house in them, saying "I need my heels" She officially has more heels then I do ( which is only 3 pairs ).
George did a great job with dinner - every thing was delicious.

Afterwards the kids played for a little bit. Zachary and Timothy were very good with there littlest cousin. Katie had a lot of fun.
Timmy got a game of charades as a present. Nana wrangled all the kids up for a game before we left.

Friday, January 2, 2009


Don't you just love the holidays. My parents stayed for a few days to help with Katie. My mother has recently started playing the dulcimer. She thought Katie might enjoy playing it - and she was right. She was surprisingly gentle with it.