Monday, December 28, 2009

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas every one. We hope you all had an enjoyable holiday. We had a nice quiet day with Nana and Papa.
Stockings hung for Santa
Aunt Cindy came by Saturday afternoon.
Katie was happy she could reach the peddles.Took it for a little spin outside Sunday morning.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

SNOW !!!!!!!

Well we had some snow fall over the weekend. Close to 2 feet I would say - if not more. Luckily it was on the weekend - Bill did a wonderful job keeping the snow down around the house. He as out there every few hours shovelling or plowing the snow.
Katie had her shovel - she was ready to help. I kept telling her that the snow was very deep and it may not be very fun to play in - but she insisted on going out at 8 am sunday morning.
Saturday - Bill took her for a little sleigh ride down the sidewalk - she had a blast
I don't think Jibe was very fond of the snow.
I don't know why she insisted on trudging to the back of the yard. Sunday morning I had to walk out and carry her back in. We cleared a spot by the door but she likes to go out by the fence - crazy dog , thought she was going to have a heart attack.
Sunday morning she was ready to play. She tried very hard to walk in the snow like she did the night before but it was just too deep.

She did enjoy sitting in the snow. I threw her in a few times - she liked it, but wasn't able to get out on her own.
Mommy - help!


We have been painting and cleaning the house - getting it ready to place on the market. Katie has wanted to help ( If only we could get her to donate all her stuffed animals ) , and she has been asking to paint.
She did very well for about 5 minutes - then the brush got too heavy.
She tried the roller but that was really heavy. She was doing well until she stepped into the bucket of paint.
Very emotional. She got paint on her foot and her purple pants. Not a good time :(

Updates - Thanksgiving

OK - its been a while - just haven't had much "free" time but here goes. We all drove to NC for Thanksgiving this year - a long trip but always nice to see Nana and Papa.
Nana joined a "band", she plays the dulcimer and we went to her concert - it was fun.
We feed the ducks and sea gulls by the water. Bill hates to do this but I get a kick out of it.
Papa threw some bread over Bill's head - which attracted many sea gulls and scared Bill - it was kind of funny.
Here the men are enjoying the play ground. Katie had a good time running around but it was a bit cold.
Thanksgiving morning we took the boat for a sail while Nana stayed home and cook. The weather was OK, but not much wind.
Katie made herself right at home on the boat.
Stringing some popcorn and cranberries for Nana's tree - didn't go over very well ( Katie just wanted to eat the popcorn)
The best part about NC is the indoor swimming pool ( OK maybe not the best part ) . Katie went swimming every day - she loves the water.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Ready for take off

Stopped by Bills' work the other day. She sat in a helicopter - too cute.


Katie has taken to sleeping in the closet. I try to put extra bedding on the floor to give her support - she doesn't complain. I did it a few times as a kid but not to her extent. Its been a few weeks now. What a weird kid I have.
We have since cleaned the closet also.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Trick or Treat

Katie saw this wonderful Snow White costume at walmart - just had to have it. She wore it for a total of 2 minutes I believe and then that was the end of it. She did look very cute in it.
She went trick or treating in her doctors costume. It turned out to be a great day. We went with our neighbor and her kids. Which I think helped Katie a lot - she wasn't as shy.
What a cute group.

Don't forget to say "Thank you "

Happy Halloween everybody !

Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Big Boat

Well we took our first "real"vacation with Katie this past week. All our previous "vacations" have been to relatives houses. This one was a Disney cruise - 4 nights. It was a learn experience for Bill and myself. All in all a good trip though. Here are just a few of the 260 pics I took. I will go through them a little better and post some more.
I was a little nervous taking Katie on the plane but she did great.
Here we are on line waiting to see the Princesses. She was very excited.
She ran up to Snow White and gave her a big hug. We bought her an autograph book which all the character had signed - which was a good thing because she only took pictures with a few of them.
She posed with Snow White and Princess Aurora, but froze for Bella and Cinderella.
Monday night they celebrated Halloween. There was trick or treating throughout the ship then a big parade on deck afterwards. We brought her Halloween costume but she wouldn't wear it.
Silly girl.
I think she could of spent the whole trip in the pool. It did get busy a few times but nothing too bad. They had this little pool for the younger kids then a 4 foot pool for the older kids and a private pool just for the adults ( never made it to that one ).
Katie's first live show. Toy Store. She loved it.
We didn't get off the boat in Nassau, but did get off at Cast Away Cays - very nice. We only spent a few hours there - then Katie wanted to go back on the ship. I think the water was a little too salty for her. It was pretty hot also.

I will try to post more pics soon. Overall we did enjoy the trip. I think it might have been a little too much for Katie. We would like to try it again in a few years. Maybe then Bill and I can enjoy it more also.

Friday, October 23, 2009


Katie turned 4 !!!! Where does the time go. She had a "quiet" little party to celebrate her birthday. I categorize it as controlled chaos. We started out with our own version of pin the tail on the donkey. We out-lined the kids on paper, had them color themselves in then pin a party hat on there head. It was a little too much work, but fun.

Then we colored spooky halloween masks - that was fun and went well. Until the boys started running around screaming with there masks.

A little sand art - a little messy - but they came out very nice.

Party hats and cake.

Happy Birthday kiddo !