Monday, July 18, 2011

Summer Fun

Well summer is half over and we have been busy. We have been spending a lot of time with my family - which is wonderful. Katie has been spending a lot of time with her cousins.
Here we are going to the aquarium on Long Island - it was a great visit.
The sting ray pool - you could reach in and touch them - Katie was afraid too but Zachary wasn't. The were soft and smooth.

There was a tidal pool which they could walk through and collect clams and spider crabs. Katie just liked walking in the water.There was a little penguin area.

The kids could climb into this bubble and watch the penguins from in there. They all came over to seem them when they went in there.

Katie is a ham - always up for a good laugh and a free ride.

This is her idea of "helping Dad" around the house.

She is not allowed to date until she is 23!!!!

Growing up way too fast - where does she get this from.

She is finally taking an interest in reading. We have been making several trips to the library getting new books to read. I hope she keeps up with it. She is stubborn if she doesn't want to do it.

Still doing karate - we love the dojo and her instructors. It is very family orientated and they teach good lessons - not just kicks and punches.

It amazes me how serious she is when she is there. I wish she would give me half the attention she gives her Sensia.

She has an incredible amount of focus for a 5 year old. She made me so proud the other day when they were talking about getting black belts and that everyone gets it at there own pace whether its 5 years or 55 years. She raised her hand and told the Sensia that she" would never give up" I hope not.

We had her pre-K graduation at the end of June. The school did a great job.

Can't I just slow down life and enjoy her as she is for another 5 years.

Bikini - ugh .

We have spent a lot of time at Hurricane Harbor this season. She is really enjoying the wave pool. Still won't put her face in the water voluntarily but doesn't mind it now if she does get hit in the face with water.

She is karate chopping the waves.

We have been to PA about every weekend this summer. Here she is at the pool up there. They heard thunder that day so we weren't allowed in the water.

They have a miniature golf course which she has been enjoying. Doesn't have much in the way of a stance or stroke but she still plays a pretty good game.

All the grandkids playing.

The karate dojo had a picnic - it was her first water gun fight.

and her first tug-of-war. It was a great day.

Attacking the waves in the wave pool - keeyaaa!

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