Sunday, April 26, 2009


Well today was even hotter then yesterday. Katie and I decided to head to the beach ( along with half of the other NJ residents). It was perfect - except it took 15 minutes to find a parking spot, and the water was freezing and the bathrooms were locked - other then that it was perfect.
We had a lot of fun. Katie spent a lot of time chasing the waves, despite the water numbing your feet within 15 seconds. Maybe kids are unaware of the pain the cold water creates in adult feet.
We built a few sand castles - this time I had our shovel and pail :) - just forgot the camera :(.
We walked out on the rocks and played on the play ground for a while. It was a beautiful day, sun was shining and there was a cool breeze in the air.
Hopefully this summer will not be much hotter the it was this weekend. I think I might have to buy us some beach passes this year.

1 comment:

Steelwillow said...

Great job on the blog!!!!!!!! Love to all the pictures. I don't know where you find the time. Keep it up.
