Sunday, April 26, 2009


Well today was even hotter then yesterday. Katie and I decided to head to the beach ( along with half of the other NJ residents). It was perfect - except it took 15 minutes to find a parking spot, and the water was freezing and the bathrooms were locked - other then that it was perfect.
We had a lot of fun. Katie spent a lot of time chasing the waves, despite the water numbing your feet within 15 seconds. Maybe kids are unaware of the pain the cold water creates in adult feet.
We built a few sand castles - this time I had our shovel and pail :) - just forgot the camera :(.
We walked out on the rocks and played on the play ground for a while. It was a beautiful day, sun was shining and there was a cool breeze in the air.
Hopefully this summer will not be much hotter the it was this weekend. I think I might have to buy us some beach passes this year.

Car show

I believe every Saturday night this summer the Chick-fil-A in Howell sponsors a car show. We went Saturday nigh - it was a huge turn out - 226 cars. Bill drove his 51 Chevy and Katie and I followed in the Vibe. They really do a nice job.
There is oldies music playing and contests for the kids. Katie tried the hola-hop ( she needs a lot more practice). There were four girls that were very good - I think they could of gone all night. The judge made it challenging after a while by making them walk, turn around and then hop on one foot - the hopping is what ended the contest.
They also had a belt toss - Katie waited in line and was excited but backed out right after Bill took the picture. I think she was the youngest kid in the line.

Summer Day

Well this weekend was absolutely gorgeous ( well actually it was a bit too hot). Bill was out in the yard working ( Go Bill ) while Katie and I were enjoying the sun.

Who needs a sidewalk for chalk. We decided to draw on the chimney - and Katie decided to draw on her hand.

It was so nice out that we hooked up the sprinkler and ran threw it - very refreshing

She is just too cute for words.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Nana and Papa came to visit for Easter weekend. In the past Katie didn't pay much attention to Papa, but this visit was different. It was nice to see them interacting more and playing. Hopefully this summer Papa will teach her to fish. Alt least he believes in playing it safe :)

Monday, April 20, 2009

Pacifier Fairy

Katie has achieved a milestone this weekend, she voluntarily gave up her pacifier :) . We told her there was a pacifier fair, who if she gave her pacifier to, would bring her a present. Saturday night was the big night , before going to bed she layed her pacifier on the picture. And when she woke in the morning the pacifier was gone and a present was there.
Last night she started to ask for it at bedtime but stopped herself. She held onto her stuffed fish instead and that was the end of it. She makes us so happy :)

Saturday, April 18, 2009


She went on this ride all by herself - she is getting so big.

What a thrill seeker
On the swings with Dad
Waiting in line :)
The tea cup ride - yippee. I think I need to start taking Dramamine before I go.
Katie's first real roller coaster - unfortunately its dark and you can't see it well, but she had a good time. I got beat up pretty good.

Great Adventure Season Begins

Six Flags Great Adventure has opened! We bought our season passes and hit the rides on this beautiful day. Katie had to get her own pass this year - I imagine we will be using it a lot.
There is this huge jungle gym type play ground for the kids to play on - Katie loves it. It has slides and rope ladders and bridges and....

I played on it with Katie for a while, she needs an adult with her to play, but then she dragged Bill up for a while. I had a good time relaxing and watching him run around with her.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Baking Cookies

Friday night Nana and Katie made chocolate chip cookies - very good.

She loves to help ( and is usually pretty good too ).

Easter Dress

Nana Papa and Emma came up Thursday night for the Easter holiday. Katie's school was closed Friday so she stayed with Nana and Papa. She told Nana that she wanted to give the Easter Bunny and big hug and that she wanted to wear her pretty dress.
Well she got all dressed up. Even had her hair put up, her necklace on. All pretty for the Easter Bunny.
Very lady like - gotta love to tongue.
Well, she doesn't wear dresses very much and she looks very cute in them but as you continue to look you will not see a picture of the Easter Bunny. She did make it to the mall an even stood on line, but would not give him a hug - maybe next year.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Boy are we crazy. Today we went to Jenkinsons for there Easter Egg hunt ( along with about half of NJ). The place was packed. We met up with Katie's dear friend Ella - her sister Grace and mom Eileen. They had a huge area taped off for kids 1 - 4 years old. This is Katie waiting for her time to hunt - she was just happy to play in the sand.
I don't think you can really appreciate how big the area is and how many people are actually there - trust me it was a lot! (If you double click on the picture you may see it better) We are at the far corner here and it goes all the way back to the boardwalk. You can see a few eggs on top but a lot were actually buried in the sand.
Katie and Ella each found there allotted three eyes. They won some rings which they are showing off . They were very good at sharing them.

It turned out to be a gorgeous day. We walked the boardwalk a little then had some pizza. Then home to play some more.
It was a good day.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Easter Egg Hunt

The town had an easter egg hunt today. I had to work but Bill took her. He said it was very unorganized and a bit hectic but I believe Katie had a good time. There is another one tomorrow on the beach/boardwalk which we will try to go to.
As you can see not much of a challenge - easter eggs everywhere.
And away they go

A big hug for the Easter Bunny.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Purple park

There is a large play ground in Howell that we go and play at - we call it the purple park. She loves to run around and play. They have lots of slides and swings too. She is still a little scared of the alligator - wont climb up it.
She actually can climb to the top of the wall - she is a good climber.
Of course her favorite thing is to dig in the ground - they have chopped up tires for safety - real dirty.