Sunday, July 6, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday Katie

Well we made it a year. No major malfunctions, the kid is still in one piece and Bill and I haven't killed each other yet. Katie is starting to walk. She is also learning sign language. We are really impressed with how quickly she is starting to pick up signing and recommend it to anyone who is raising an infant ( Bill will literally walk up to any stranger with a kid and start talking about signing - if you know Bill you know I am telling the truth).
Uncle Scott and his kids Joel and Amanda came down for the day and we went pumpkin picking - I think we will try to do this every year - so far so good. Katie had fun, she enjoys playing with her cousins.
Well her is the birthday girl - all smiles. She wasn't quite sure about the whole celebration. I think she was even a little scared when we all started singing, but I am sure she will soon come to enjoy her birthday celebrations.

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