Saturday, July 26, 2008

Washing the truck

Getting the bucket ready - have to have a lot of bubbles

Don't forget the tires
All done - what a great job. Katie is such a good little helper. Now if I can only get her to do the laundry.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Day at the Beach - Point Pleasant

Katie discovered sea shells - "there's another one, there's another one" Every last little one - no shell was too small for Katie
The water felt good on your feet - it was a hot day. Katie was a little hesitant but started to enjoy herself. We would chase the waves into the ocean and then run as they tried to get us.

The ocean was a little rough that day. I think we will go back when its a little cooler and not so rough.

Visit with Nana - Great Adventure

I took the day off Tuesday and we went to Great Adventure. It was a bit hot but we had a lot of fun. Katie amazed Nana by climbing all the road bridges, going on rides by herself and jammin' to the Wiggles.

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Well hello again, thought I would change things up a little and give you a current photo/event. Katie and I drove out to Long Island yesterday to visit my family. My parents are up from NC so it was a treat to get everyone together under the same roof.

We celebrated Zachary's 5th birthday - he is getting so big. Katie had been practicing saying "happy birthday" the whole way out to LI. She also likes to say " surprise".

Well we had a great time, it was a long day but she handled it very well. Tomorrow my parents will come to NJ for a few days to spoil Kaite, she can't wait.

Monday, July 7, 2008


OK - for those of you who know me - you know how I feel about dresses. Well I had nothing to do with this - I am trying to raise Katie a fine young girl - I tried to be all cheerful and happy about putting a dress on but as you can see she wanted no part of it.
As of recent her Aunt Cindy bought her 2 nice little sun dresses which she has worn without the tears. (Preferably - put me in jeans and a t-shirt).

Snow 2007

Katie is all bundled up to play in the snow. Her first snow fall, more like a dusting. She thought it was cold and didn't enjoy it much until she realized she could be pulled around like a princess. She loved her sled and kept asking for more.

Visiting Nana & Papa

Another trip to NC to visit Nana & Papa. Katie is looking rather stylish in her 2 piece bathing suit. What you don't see is her screaming when we actually try to put her into the pool. Thankfully she is now learning to enjoy the water.

Katie and her Nana walking along the water in NC. The neusse river I believe. They were feeding the ducks.

Day 3

Well here we are again - day 3 and still posting - it could be because I have about another 1000 pics of Katie to go through and condense into the blog - maybe I will just add a few a day and write more about each photo.
Hope you are enjoying things so far - next I will try videos

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday Katie

Well we made it a year. No major malfunctions, the kid is still in one piece and Bill and I haven't killed each other yet. Katie is starting to walk. She is also learning sign language. We are really impressed with how quickly she is starting to pick up signing and recommend it to anyone who is raising an infant ( Bill will literally walk up to any stranger with a kid and start talking about signing - if you know Bill you know I am telling the truth).
Uncle Scott and his kids Joel and Amanda came down for the day and we went pumpkin picking - I think we will try to do this every year - so far so good. Katie had fun, she enjoys playing with her cousins.
Well her is the birthday girl - all smiles. She wasn't quite sure about the whole celebration. I think she was even a little scared when we all started singing, but I am sure she will soon come to enjoy her birthday celebrations.

Sailing in NC

Katie's first trip to NC to visit Nana and Papa - they built a beautiful house on the water and keep their sailboat in the backyard ( not too bad ). Katie was already to take the helm.
Once the boat got a rocking she passed out. How cute is she. But when she finally woke up she was ready to see everything. She did really well on the boat, can't wait to go sailing again.

Working with Dad

Katie downed her flight jacket and went to work with her Dad. Here she is screw driver in hand and ready to perform routine maintance on this P-40.


Aunt Pat, Lisa and Katie at Amanda's Bat Mitzva. Katie's first big social event. SHe enjoyed the music and dancing and seeing her family.
Cousins - Zachary,Timmy and Katie
Here we are visiting old friends. Tina and her son Christopher. Katie and Chris had fun "playing", they are only a few weeks a part in age.

Easter and Uncle Scott

Katie's first Easter. She is very excited to hear about the Easter Bunny and egg hunts. She didn't mind her dress here - next year was a different story.

Uncle Scott is home from Kuwait - it's Katie first time meeting him - Welcome home Scott

Katie's first trip to the beach. Unlike her father- Katie enjoyed putting her feet in the sand.


Well to my surprise I am back again - will continue to upload pics of Katie but will try to thin it out a little. Being the first child and so perfect it is hard not to post every picture ( there are a lot of pictures ). Although after her first birthday I did slow down a little.
I must admit - I was surprised to see 2 comments on my posts from last night. Two different people whom I never heard of before decided to comment on my posts. How cool is that. If they visit back I want to say "thank you"

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Chillin and Swinging

Katie is chillin in one of her bounce toys - she loves to bounce. And you know after a hard day of bouncing its always nice to kick back and down a few Moose Drools.

One of Katies favorate past-times SWINGING. I think she could seriously swing all day long. It will be nice when she is able to swing herself. But until then I will continue to have the pleasure of making her smile.

Is she too cool or what?

Proud Grandpa

Grandpa Bollard is signing to Katie and she is just eating him up.

Grandpa is signing bye-bye blackbird to Katie.

Too Cute