Thursday, May 6, 2010

Random Pics of Katie

Does every parent think their kids is just the greatest thing in the world. Who could imagine how much FUN kids are - I guess its to get us past the times that no parent likes to talk about.
Cruise in the car

Bath time with her doggie towel. Show me that puppy face

No I am not tired ! Tongue in Katie
What great piano playing skills - and she is only four - look out Mozart
Good dog
This could be used as good black mail photo when she is older and dating

My little lady bug
Aye aye captain

Hello Kitty

OK - some times parents just make mistakes. Some times we have the best intentions and they back fire or some times they are genuine mistakes. Katie has grown very attached to her Hello Kitty doll - whom she calls Hello Kitty ( I will call her HK for short ). HK goes almost every where with her - she has had few about 3 months now. It is very cute, but she is ( was ) getting very dirty. She had a few cycles in the washer with no real improvement. Well HK ran into some real drama last week.
It all started when her horrible mother ( that's me ) accidentally left her at school tuesday night. Bill usually picks her up but I had gotten at of work early, it was a beautiful day, so I picked her up and we went out. We went to the reservoir, shopping and then Applebee's. It was a great time until I realized when we got home at 7:00 that HK was not our possession ! Bill lectured me that HK goes right in the bag when he picks her up and always stays in his possession - bad mom! We called the school and her teacher at home but no answer. Bill was about to run to build-a-bear to get a new one - where as I the awful parent would of made her wait the night. Did I mention at this point she is crying uncontrollable.
I had mentioned to Bill that there was a car in front of her school ( which normally closes at 6:30 ) . He promptly jumped in his car to go rescue HK - and was successful. Peace in the Bollard household - for now.
Saturday Katie noticed HK had a tear on her. She had an embroider heart with fabric in it and the fabric was fraying - well beyond me minuscule sewing abilities. Bill suggested placing a
band-aide over it - which we should have done but didn't. Sunday I called build-a-bear and they said they could send it out to their clinic but it may take a month or two to get it back. That is way to long for a little girl to be with out her HK. They did have a hula HK which was tan in color that I was thinking about buying while the original HK gets fixed.
So we drive down to the mall with HK to see what can be done. I spoke to the very nice lady at the counter who said they have one Hello Kitty in the back but she didn't have a bow on her - which didn't matter. So we told Katie HK was getting fixed and cleaned but would need to be re-stuffed. She was ok with that and we even decided to put a kitty meow voice in her ( mommy mistake #2 ). We get her home and all is good until bedtime. HK new meow was too loud. She didn't even want to sleep with her. Monday morning she didn't even want to take her to school - needless to say I felt horrible.
Thankfully Bill took her back to build-a-bear monday night where they removed her meow and all was good with the world again. They are back to being best friends and HK still goes every where with her.
Here they are waiting for the neighbor to come and play. HK is wearing pink hello kitty socks.
A visit to Bill at work

Even a short flight around the hanger.

Its good to be young

Katie's art work

Every day Katie comes home with loads of art work or projects she has done at school. We would switch them out on the fridge but never "really" hold on to them. I saw a friend had taken photos of her sons art work and was keeping a digital diary of them. I liked the idea so here are a few of her recent works :

Timmy's First Holy Communion

Timmy had his First Holy Communion two weeks ago - it is always nice to get the family together to celebrate happy occasions. He did very well and we had a great time at my brothers.
Katie looked absolutely lovely in her dress.
She is posing for the camera
What a ham
She is going to break some hearts when she gets older - Hope Bill is ready for this
What is childhood without tree climbing. Katie has been deprived of this fun activity until today.
Having a dress on didn't stop her either - you go girl