Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Crayola Factory

Katie and I stopped at the Crayola Factory on our last return home from my parents new place in PA. We had been there before and had a good time, so I figured why not go again. It is fun but way too crowded - I really must remember to go on a weekday. Katie with the crayon
She is really starting to love these picture cut-outs. Now she will run to them, stick her head ( and usually her hands ) through and say "cheese" - just waiting for me to take her picture.

A little side walk chalk.

Molding some clay
Add a little color
There is the canal museum on the third floor. They have a model canal system for the kids to bring there boats through.
She just loves water
Some more hands on fun up stairs - not much about crayons but still lots of fun

Some more canal boats

Had to stop in the store to buy some toys. It was cute that they had little carts for the kids


We had the soccer goals set up the other day in the backyard. Katie loves to put the ball down, slowly walk backwards as far as she can from the ball then run to the ball as fast as she can, stop and kick it.
She gets real serious as she prepares for her kick
She means business
And her she comes - running in
The kick

SCORE !!!!!!