Saturday, August 29, 2009


Well, my parents bought a "cabin" at Eagle Lake PA. Great little place. Close enough to zip up there for the weekend. Just about the whole family was there for the weekend. Mary wasn't able to make but every one else had a good time. It was really great to have every one under one roof.
There is a little loft which the kids ruled. Great for pillow fights,board games and sleeping.
A little bit of nature.

All the kids played a little baseball.

Moms got a mean hit
Amanda knocked the ball out of the park.


Katie didn't want to trying hitting the ball. But she was a great pinch runner.
Go Katie go.
Mom is about to tag Timmy OUT

Can't go camping with out roasting marshmallows

Lazy morning
Family photo - Good times


Katie got a new scooter the other day ( not sure what I was thinking ). At least she has enough safety gear on.

She didn't go very far. Not sure what we are going to do about that tongue!

Monday, August 24, 2009


Although its been very hot outside the pool temp has been lingering around 72 - just a tad bit chilly for swimming. It finally got above 75 and we took full advantage it. Katie loves to swim.