Monday, February 16, 2009


Well it's been a crazy week. Nana was up for a few days with Emma. Bill and I scheduled some adult stuff while we had a built-in-babysitter. Not fun stuff - the dentist, accountant, lawyer and a funeral ( we didn't plan the last one). Bill's 88 year old uncle passed last Monday.
Katie had fun with Nana and Emma ( the dog ). Scott and Pam stopped by for a few minutes to drop his kids off - Nana is taking them to North Carolina for the week. It was good to see them. And Aunt Cindy spent the today with Katie , her school was closed. They had fun at the boardwalk.
Looking forward to getting back to normal.
OH - just a happy update also - Katie is going poopy on the potty and wearing big girl underwear at night :) . We are going on a week now and no accidents at night - I think she is getting it. It's the little things in life that keep us happy.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Another nice day. Nana is up for a visit. First we went to the park were it was high flying on the swing. Then home for lunch.
A picnic in the backyard. What a beautiful day.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Beach

Today was absolutely gorgeous ( a bit windy but gorgeous - hit 62) so Katie and I hopped in the car a drove to the beach. She had her Winnie the Pooh sweater on - with the cute little ears.
Hands in her pockets and ready to go.
There were actually quite a few people there.

She wanted to take off her socks and shoes and walk in the sand.
Like I said - it was a bit windy
How you doin'!
I didn't pack any beach gear. She wanted to make a sand castle. So I looked in the car and came up with an ice scraper for a shovel and her snack container for a pail - worked pretty good.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

WHY ????

So it has begone - why mommy, why daddy, why why why. It actually started a few months ago. Before it was just "what's his name?" but now its WHY.
It was really bad tonight while were watching TV. Why is he talking, why is she talking, why are they walking, where are they going why????? Its is hard to tell her the answers when you can't hear whats going on because she keeps asking questions.
I am told it only gets worse.
Well - at least she has a curious little mind. We will just have to turn it around on her and start asking her all the questions - well why do you think ......

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Snow Angels

Finally had a good snow fall. Tuesday it snowed all day - good packing snow. We played a little after work but it continued to snow that night. Wednesday's snow was not as good - too soft to make a snow man, so we made snow angels.

We also dug out the sled and went down the front lawn - which isn't much of a hill but she still enjoyed it. And better yet she carried her sled back up the hill.


Katie loves her swinging. Its been a few months since its been warm enough to get in some good swinging. Looks like it'll be a little while longer before we can swing again. Come on Spring!

Go fly a Kite

It was a gorgeous day out so we went do to the park. We brought the kite and soccer ball. The kite stayed up for a total of 3 minutes - but it was long enough for Katie to fly it and me to get some pictures of her. Go Katie

After the excitement of the kite flying and the multiple failed attempts afterwards we decided to kick the soccer ball around. I was actually surprised at how well she could kick it - and kick it straight.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


How come kids never want to take a nap. I wish someone would ask, even demand that I take an afternoon nap. I am not sure if Katie is starting to phase out her naps yet - but I know those days that she needs one. And today was one of those days.
I wonder if there is a direct correlation with the volume at which they scream they are not tired and with how tired they actually are. She was fighting to keep her eyes open in the car. When we came home and told her it was nap time she yelled "I am not tired !". Well within 5 minutes she was out cold in her bed - yeah not tired.