Monday, November 24, 2008


Katie loves to play hide-n-seek. Here she is hiding plastic easter eggs. She could play this all night. The funny thing is she will hide them and find them herself. And she will always put them in the same spot. Sometimes I can get her to look the other way and hide them in new spots - she is actually pretty good at finding them ( which is a miracle she can find anything amongst her piles to toys).

Aunt Cindy

Aunt Cindy came down for the day. Katie was very happy to see her. They went to the gym then to the board walk.

Princess Jibe

Well Katie has decided that Jibe should be a princess. She has been pretty tolerant of Katie, but wasn't very fond of the tiara. At least Katie didn't try to gown or heels

Early Thanksgiving

Well we had Thanksgiving a little early this year. Saturday we drove out to LI to celebrate with my family and what a wonderful time it was. Pam did an excellent job hosting the event - thank you. It was very nice to sit down at the table with my brothers and their families.

Pam made my mothers stuffing balls - very delicious. And Scott was ecstatic to get a hug from Katie ( who usually wont even give him the time of day). She actually gave everybody a good hug and kiss good bye.

Katie and Zach entertained us on the piano. They were having fun and thankfully weren't too loud.

Katie wanted to play with the boys. They tried playing Monopoly but that didn't last long. They did make a "club" which Katie was an honoree member - "Sister Super"

After dinner the kids watched Beauty and the Beast. It was cute to see them all cuddle on the couch together.

It was a wonderful celebration. The drive out and back wasn't too bad either.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sleeping Beauty

I felt bad taking this picture of her while she was sleeping - I was so afraid I would wake her up with the flash - she was fine. She looks so peaceful - not a care in the world. I could stare at her for hours ( if I wasn't soo exhausted and ready to jump into bed myself).

Bedroom fun

Katie is really enjoying her Big girl bed. She loves to put her Princess's on the head board. She says they are all "friends"

Here will built a "fort" in her room. She loves it. She piled all her books and dolls underneath and then of course asks me to join her. Too cute.


Katie has such an imagination. We have been playing in the laundry basket at night. She pretends that she is driving. We go shopping, stop for Ice Cream and go to the beach.

You can see that she likes to be safe - she has her seat belt on and her sun glasses because the sun is bright.
This is her "quiet" time after her bath and before going to bed. Bill and I are horrible at "quiet" time - she is just too much fun. How can you not play with her.

We are going to be in a lot of trouble when she really starts driving ( or g-d forbid starts dating).

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Doctor Katie

Katie got a great doctor outfit for her birthday from her Uncle Scott. Today she wanted to play dress up. - Prep the O.R. he is ready to operate.

A Walk in Fall

Another gorgeous fall day. We threw the kid in the car and drove down to the reservoir. It is such a nice place to go and just walk around - we didn't have anything like this where I grew up on Long Island.

Katie was hunting for pine cones - we found a few

Smiling for the camera

Happy Halloween

Well Katie decided she wanted to go trick or treating this year. Her and Daddy went shopping and bought a pretty Sleeping Beauty costume which she refused to wear. So here she is in her princess pajamas. She has her pumpkin bucket and is ready to go.

The first stop was our neighbors. Daniel let her dive right into the candy bowl - Katie really liked the free range choice of candy. She picked three pieces.

It was a gorgeous night for trick or treating. We just stopped at a few house, but she enjoyed herself. She didn't really eat any of her candy - just the kit kat bar, she didn't like anything else.
Maybe next year.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


It was a nice fall day so we decided to go look at the animals at the safari. Katie enjoyed looking at the map to find the animals
These huge rhinos decided to walk across the road - who are we to stop them.

The giraffes were the hit of the show. All the cars stopped - they were eating all the leaves off the car tops and windshields. The stopped by our car also - looked into the sunroof also - lots of fun.

Katie was sporting her shades also and singing to the Wiggles.