Sunday, October 26, 2008

Pumpkin Picking

We went pumpkin picking the morning of Katie birthday party. Nana, Aunt Cindy and Ty joined Katie and I at the Twin Ponds Farms. They have beautiful flowers there ( I think these are mums). They also had a little train ride which the two girls went on.

They met Frankenstein and posed for a picture then it was off to the maze. They have a big corn maze which we went through twice then this little one for the kids.

Katie got lost and made a wrong turn down a dead end path. She quickly turned around and found her way out ( with out climbing over the hay ).

Then for a little swing with friends before her party.

Time at the park

Well it was another gorgeous fall day. We decided to spend it outside at the Manasquan Reservior. They have a great play ground for Katie and a huge lake to throw rocks into.

Here she is being a little bit of a ham - posing for the camera. I think she is part monkey - she loves to climb on everything ( thankfully she is also pretty good at it).She loves to run across the bridge - it bounces so it adds an extra stress factor for the nervous parent.

Popcorn Park Zoo

Another trip to the Popcorn Park Zoo. Katie loves getting a big box of popcorn and feeding all the animals.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Apple Picking

We met up with Eileen, her 2 daughters ( Ella and Grace ) and her friends on Wednesday at Battlefield Farms to go apple picking. Katie had gone peach picking a few months pack so she knew what to do and was ready to go. She enjoyed pulling the apples off the trees ( and picking them off the ground too ).

Princess Katie

Katie is really starting to enjoy dressing up. Here she is with a princess hat and gown. She is also trying to put on her chap stick lip gloss. She had small heels with the outfit but they were too big. We had to hide them because she insisted on wearing them - maybe when she is a little older.
Now she is giving her chap stick lip gloss to Mommy to try on and then to Daddy - she likes to share ( aren't we lucky :) ).