Monday, August 25, 2008

Happy Bday Aunt Pat

Mom came up for her sisters Birthday - it was great to get people together. Katie was enjoying the cake (although all she really did was lick the icing ).

Say cheese

Katie is enjoying a warm summer day with a cookie. She thought the sun was too hot so she wanted her umbrella

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Play date

Sunday we went to visit Ella. Katie always has fun there - she loves the trampoline. She's a jumper. Both Katie and Ella enjoy jumping. They have a lot of giggles.

They played a little in the sand box - but Katie didn't stay too long - she was back on the trampoline after about five minutes in the sand box. After playing and jumping it was time to cool down in the pool. Spray bottles - even better.

Katie took the wheel as the two went for a spin around the yard.

Popcorn park zoo

Aunt Cindy came down to visit on Saturday. They both went to My Gym then to the mall for some shopping and lunch. Afterwards the three of us went to feed the animals at the popcorn park zoo. Katie was really good with the deer and the donkeys. Aunt Cindy did her hair - pretty colorful extensions.


Katie is ready for her modelling act. Here she is in the bathroom - demonstrating the variable sized potties - there is the BIG potty and Katie's potty. Today she is sporting the little mermaid shirt and over sized scuba booties and of course an adorable smile.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Boogey Down

Katie was a dancing fool at the car show - look at her go !

Car Show

We went to the weekly car show by the local

Chick-fil-A Saturday. Bill entered his 51 Chevy Panel truck

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Ocean county park

We went to the Ocean County Park in Lakewood on Sunday. It has a lake for swimming, some shade and a little park area with swings and slides - Katie had a blast.

She played in the sand for a while then decided to go "swimming". She has this great jacket from her Aunt Cindy - she put it on and ran right in. She walked all the way out til her chin was in the water and then proceeded to jump and jump and jump and.....
I think this will be a frequent hot spot for the remainder of the summer.


Picked a sunflower on my way home from work the other day - its bigger than Katie.

Maybe we will get some seeds and plant them for next year - that'll be fun.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Lightening strikes

The thunder and lightening was a little too loud and close to home last weekend. A bolt of lightening hit one of the wires by us. Thankfully no one was hurt but it was a little too close for comfort. ( Bill thought it was all pretty cool ).

Picking Peaches

We went peach picking at Battlefield Farms last weekend. We got stuck in the rain and lightening but overall we had a good time and the peaches are real good - yummy.