Saturday, December 27, 2008

Sea of Lights

Last night we went to Jenkinsons Aquarium for there Sea of Lights special evening event. Katie had a good time. Her and Papa looked at some lizards in the tank.
She enjoyed making a Santa snow crab. They also had story time.
She feed the "seals" and watched the penguins swim

We all had a good time

Merry Christmas

Well I am not sure if I have permanently ruined Christmas for our daughter or not. I had suggested a few days ago that maybe she should give her pacifier to Santa Claus. Well from that day forward she thought Santa was coming to take her pacifier. So she did not want to see him, sit on his lap, leave him cookies or even have him come to the house. She would hide her pacifier so he couldn't find it and the night before Christmas she even tried to hide herself under her pillow so Santa would not find her.
Well Christmas morning when we told her that Santa indeed did come and left her presents - her attitude changed ( She was also very happy to still have her pacifier ). Santa bought her a wonderful train table and train set - which took him a little while to set up and was quickly taken done and re-arranged .

She was very good about opening her presents. She didn't rush through them. She sat down and looked at the books she got before going onto the next present.

She was happy with every thing she got that day. Here she is with a Tinkerbell art kit from her Aunt Lisa. She was eager to paint a picture of Santa Claus.

We hope you all had a Merry Christmas and Have a Happy and Healthy New Year

Saturday, December 20, 2008


We baked some cookies the other night for school. Katie helped put the icing on the cookies.

Decorating the Tree

We finally got our tree last weekend. Cindy came down to help decorate with us. Katie did great putting on ornaments. We have some presents under the tree - she is anxiously waiting to open them. Soon Katie soon.

Monday, December 15, 2008


Saturday afternoon we took Katie to a train display in Wall. It was hosted by a local model train club. They had some nice lay outs - festive. Katie had a good time but really wanted to touch them.

My Gym

Every Saturday Bill takes Katie to the My Gym in Howell. I didn't have to work this Saturday so I tagged along. She just moved up to a new class and wasn't sure about the teachers and Bill not being out there with her. She did ok.

She does like to run and play there - just not listen to the teachers so much.
Here's a little blur of her running by. She had a good nap that day.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Katie has been taking a swimming class at the local YMCA. She is doing great - I am so proud of her. She just doesn't like to put her face in the water ( She gets that from her Nana ). Hopefully in time that will come. Bill came with us the other night to watch and take some photos and video. Unfortunately all the pics are too dark but you can see her swimming in these videos. She has a little float on her back.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Here she is having a good time. She likes to dance. Its good to be young.

Mr Scott the Music Man

Mr Scott the Music man held a special concert sponsored by Goddard to raise presents for Toys for Tots. We had not seen or heard of Mr Scott but we thought it would be fun. He does have a CD that they play at her day care. It was a good time. It took her a little while before she warmed up and started dancing.

The poor kid - I think she has my sense or rhythm ( or lack there of ), but at least she knows how to have a good time.

Monday, November 24, 2008


Katie loves to play hide-n-seek. Here she is hiding plastic easter eggs. She could play this all night. The funny thing is she will hide them and find them herself. And she will always put them in the same spot. Sometimes I can get her to look the other way and hide them in new spots - she is actually pretty good at finding them ( which is a miracle she can find anything amongst her piles to toys).

Aunt Cindy

Aunt Cindy came down for the day. Katie was very happy to see her. They went to the gym then to the board walk.

Princess Jibe

Well Katie has decided that Jibe should be a princess. She has been pretty tolerant of Katie, but wasn't very fond of the tiara. At least Katie didn't try to gown or heels

Early Thanksgiving

Well we had Thanksgiving a little early this year. Saturday we drove out to LI to celebrate with my family and what a wonderful time it was. Pam did an excellent job hosting the event - thank you. It was very nice to sit down at the table with my brothers and their families.

Pam made my mothers stuffing balls - very delicious. And Scott was ecstatic to get a hug from Katie ( who usually wont even give him the time of day). She actually gave everybody a good hug and kiss good bye.

Katie and Zach entertained us on the piano. They were having fun and thankfully weren't too loud.

Katie wanted to play with the boys. They tried playing Monopoly but that didn't last long. They did make a "club" which Katie was an honoree member - "Sister Super"

After dinner the kids watched Beauty and the Beast. It was cute to see them all cuddle on the couch together.

It was a wonderful celebration. The drive out and back wasn't too bad either.